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Friday, October 21, 2011

{Random Post} 10 day photo challenge

I found this challenge on this amazing blog i just discovered ( CheetoKisses ) and I love challeneges so I am going to attempt to do so!
Here is the challenge:

Day 1 - Your Facebook profile photo.
Day 2 - A photo of yourself a year ago.
Day 3 - A photo of someone you love.
Day 4 - Take a picture of something in your room of your favorite color. 
Day 5- A photo that makes you happy.
Day 6 - A photo of you as a child 
Day 7 - A photo of you making funny face.
Day 8 - A photo of you and your best friend
Day 9 - A photo of you on holiday. 
Day 10 - A photo of you today 

so this is day 1: Facebook Profile Photo
 lets see if i will complete the challenge!


  1. Hi hun, Thank you so much for following my blog. I'm so glad you like it. I took a look at yours and I'm definitely following. I hope you can finish this challenge. As you can tell I'm still working on mine lol Anyway, you remind me so much of Toccora from America's Next Top Model. She was one of the girls from Season 3. Have you ever gotten that? ;)

    p.s. I'm looking forward to learning more about you ;D

  2. oh my gosh lol you have officially made my week! I've never heard I look like Toccora but I love her so much! Thank you so very much for that compliment! :D and thank you for following me too!
    I will try to keep you interested ;)
